If you are overwhelmed with credit card debt, these are the immediate questions, and answers, you should be asking when you interview a Debt Relief Company. This will help you ensure you enroll with the company best suited for you, and your specific financial needs.

Where Do I Start?
The first step is knowing that you didn’t cause the situation you’re in. Whether it be due to losing a job, medical bills, a divorce; you didn’t choose to be in a difficult financial position.
Be open and honest, and don’t work with a debt relief company that makes you feel like you’ve done something wrong.
Choose a company that not only knows what you’re going through but has first-hand experience with your situation.
If they haven’t been there, they cannot understand what you’re going through!
What Should I Expect?
You should expect honesty about the process.
From understanding your situation through getting you out of debt, they should be up front and honest.
You should expect your questions to be answered and to receive complete transparency throughout the entire process.
What Questions Should I Ask of a Debt Relief Company?
You should begin with what options are available.
The right debt relief company will offer you options that are tailored to what is right for you; not what they want you to do to increase their bottom line.
If they don’t talk to you about options including loan consolidation and even bankruptcy, they are steering you in a specific direction; not a tailored solution for your needs.
What Viable Options and Solutions are Available?
There are many options available, such as:
- loan consolidation
- credit counseling
- credit repair
- debt settlement
- bankruptcy
When you talk to a Certified Debt Relief Coach, before any solution is presented to you, they will work to understand your goals, needs, and what success is for you!
Not All Debt Relief Companies are Created Equally!
Bounce Debt Relief is a boutique company. We are never going to be the biggest, just the best.
Our Certified Debt Coaches are experts with experience in this industry. We don’t hire debt coaches who do not have vast experience in this industry and our partners are the premier partners in this industry.
Don’t get lost in the shuffle!
Since we actively control our company size and the expertise of our employees, you will never be a reference number.
You are a valued client and can talk to your coach, or our CEO Ted Tsuji, so you know you are getting the best debt relief coaching possible.
Now you’re ready!
Call us today for a free, no-obligation, consultation with a Certified Debt Relief Coach at 833.330.2623 or click the button below to submit our online request form.